What’s happening at Cremona

What’s happening at Cremona

By: chadmin

24th Jan 2023

The Irish are Legion

Cremona Heritage Venue in Swords, Co Dublin celebrates Napoleon’s Irish Legion and all of those who joined Irish Brigades abroad, to serve in countries near and far from the Tercio Irlandés of 1587 to the Irish Transvaal Brigade of 1899.

Napoleon’s Légion Irlandaise was preceded by La Brigade Irlandaise, campaigning for King Louis the 14th. The Irish Brigade had a great victory in Northern Italy, when they liberated the city of Cremona. This took place on the night of 31 January 1702 during the War of the Spanish Succession, between a French force under Maréchal Villeroi and an Imperial Austrian army led by Prince Eugene of Savoy. An officer in Napoleon’s Irish Legion returning to Swords in North Dublin following the victory, renamed the Irish district in which they lived, Cremona. Today the townland of Cremona and Cremona Heritage, promotes these historic French and European connections.

The Renovation

Cremona House and Gardens has been renovated over the centuries, now with interior space to accommodate living history events, research facilities, exhibitions, a library, a souvenir shop, together with function rooms and refreshment facilities both indoors and outdoors.


Some restoration continues, unveiling the hidden historical significance of Cremona and its potential for current and future generations.


The restoration work is a labour of love, ensuring the old charm is not lost.

The Gardens at Cremona with historical sculptures and topiary soldiers, continue to evolve. Soon you will be able to follow the Campaign Trail in person, enjoying the array of various artefacts along the way.

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